About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Pot Shots

For someone who has spent the equivalent of a mortgage (with his own funds) on 1600 Pennsylvania, it's somewhat ironic (coupled with a whiff of desperation) for John Edwards to say that the Lincoln Bedroom won't be for sale.

I thought Mike Huckabee would get a bigger bounce from his very impressive second place showing in the Iowa beauty pageant. If not that, at least a hatchet job or two from the MSM.

Now if Michael Vick had taken that roll of bills and gave it to charity rather than to bankroll the dogfighting enterprise...he'd be on a whole slew of United Way ads.

While on the topic of Michael (Con) Vick, if he does ever play professional football, I can't see it being below the 49th parallel. (For those geographically challenged -- that's the U.S.-Canadian border.) Further, being forced to watch the CFL may be a Geneva Convention violation.

If you weren't sure that Stephon Marbury is a jerk, here's your proof.

Can someone forward me the memo that says that Dane Cook is funny. I can't seem to find my copy.

Perhaps it's my eyesight, but Gabrielle Anwar, looks better than most women a decade younger. If you don't believe me, check her out on Burn Notice.

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