About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Who Knows?

It's easy to pile on Representative Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) for his ignorance on al-Qaeda. Congressional representatives aren't concerned about the details -- they're the big picture guys. And invariably, that big picture is focused on getting re-elected or running for higher office. That's why they have aides after all.

Another case in point, a year or two ago a Congressional delegation came out on a "fact-finding" mission to Baghdad. They were -- I got this second hand -- earnest in finding out what was going on from the perspective of the ground commanders. From what I learned, they were also profoundly ignorant as to the situation – both in terms of the good news and the bad news. That's not directed as a slam -- it's just that they have so much on their plate -- they can't afford to be a shadow secretaries of defense.

So what's your point Maguire?

It's that those who oppose the war (or, for now the surge) are doing so based on political considerations. (The same, of course, can be said those who favor the war and its escalation – but they’re the ones taking the beating in the polls – there’s very little upside right now for supporting the war.) I doubt that there is one member up on the Hill who can talk rationally – pro or con – about the war without reverting to talking points (e.g., cut and run, redeployment, etc.).

Trust me, I wish the war was going better and I certainly did not enjoy my time over there – but the next time you hear an elected representative talk about his or her view on the war, ask yourself this question – “What do they really know?” You’d be surprised as to how little they do know.

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