About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Thursday, April 23, 2009


ANOTHER DISTRACTION: Hillary Clinton, who is apparently showing the strains of her new job (she's got Samsonites under her eyes), noted that the Taliban is now a "mortal threat" to Pakistan. Anyone who has read Steve Coll's Ghost Wars would be struck by the irony of Pakistan's creation turning against it.

ROCK, NOT ROCK STAR: Rachel Maddow, GE's answer to Ambien, is slowly sinking into oblivion with what remains of her minuscule audience. Rush Limbaugh, if memory serves, thought Maddow would be a perfect fit with MSNBC though -- as she didn't have much of a track record in garnering an audience in radio either.

UNWATCHABLES: I gave ABC's The Unsusuals a viewing last night. I enjoyed it more when it was called NYPD Blue.

CHERRY PICKING: I figured, well, all it took was a measly $39 to get everyone thinking that happy days are here again. Then I realized that AP prominently displayed the good news, rather than the less than positive news in their story about how Obama has revitalized the American mood. Of greater interest, is how they parse the quote from a McCain supporter to fit the narrative.

NOT THAT PUBLIC SERVICE: It's been three months or so since Caroline Kennedy got the thumbs down from Governor Paterson to be Hillary Clinton's replacement. (That move certainly didn't help him with NY's chattering class but that's another story.) Apparently, her need to serve the public is satisfied by reading a message on behalf of Mayor Bloomberg to get other folks to volunteer. Not quite as challenging as a Senate gig. Anyway, as long as Chuck Schumer (D - Wall Street) has any juice, Kennedy will be sitting on the sidelines in 2010.

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