About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Thursday, July 12, 2007

You've Got Mail, Johnny C.

There is a lighthearted -- as lighthearted as things get for The New York Times -- with their bond status sinking like a hot rock about how The Garden State's governor, Jon Corzine, is no longer going to use email.

Anyway, that reminded me of a time back when I was in the service. A new commanding general came on board and the word was that he didn't do email. My first thought was -- whoa here's a guy just too busy and important to be pecking away on a keyboard. All email was to be directed to his aide-de-camp. After a while we figured out what the email ban was all about -- he was too gutless to put his name to anything that could be part of an audit trail. Imagine our utter shock when we learned the real truth of the matter -- the guy was a moron. He couldn't articulate a coherent thought on paper if you put a gun to his head.

Governor Corzine is no moron but that doesn't mean he doesn't do the moronic such as speeding and crashing sans seat belt on a NJ highway.

In typical closing the barn door after the horse is gone fashion, Corzine isn't emailing anymore because he's being asked for his previous emails to a former state union president who used to be his paramour. (I don't know the specifics of the case but it certainly looks funny.)

Anyway, the lighthearted nature comes from the fact that the Times transcriber, er, journalist notes that Corzine didn't email all that much anyway. (How hard would it have been to get somebody to say that on the record? Or, explain why nobody would say that for attribution.)

Anyway, it's a technique -- when you've done something you probably shouldn't have done -- it's better to come off as a goof ball rather than an evil genius. Let's see how long this act plays.

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