About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Friday, May 08, 2009


SCRAMBLING: As soon as B of A got word that they needed more capital, they called me trying to push a $12.99/month credit history security plan. They're not going to make up their shortfall with that pathetic effort.

HELPFUL: Murray Chass excoriates Selena Roberts' over-hyped tome on Alex Rodriguez. Nothing like a hack attack to develop a little sympathy for the guy. Now if he can help the Yanks end their losing skid...

ACOUSTICS: I was flipping between the Mets and Yankees telecasts last night. Both games were played at their respective new stadiums. It could have been the sound quality used by the production teams but things seemed to be awfully quiet in the Bronx. It was far nosier in Queens. Then again it could have been a reflection of what was seen on the field.

FORGOTTEN: NBC is becoming known as an acronym for Nothing But Cheap. They plan to wheel out a few Saturday Night Live specials in primetime this fall. Last year there was a Presidential election. This year, their pining their hopes on what? BTW, can anyone name three members of this year cast? I thought so.

BOTTOMLESS: I thought Barack would be different. (Not better but at least different.) However, even he's resorting to Clintonian sleight of hand when it comes to ostensible budget cuts. No Democrat and sadly no Republican can turn away increased spending.

OVERDUE: It's been six days since Bill Carter of the New York Times propped up Rachel Maddow. Maybe he's on vacation.

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