About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


SCI-FI: I gave it a couple of viewings but like most of America, I realized that Life wasn't worth watching. They lost me when the hot chick started sleeping with her shmoe of a boss. Another NBC success story.

A GREAT JOB IF YOU CAN GET IT: Seems our National Security Advisor has the time to bike home for lunch. I would guess that all told it probably takes three hours out of his day. Good thing he's unimportant, otherwise he'd be missed.

EXILED: At first, I thought Joe Biden, given his latest goof, was sent to Siberia. He's actually in Serbia.

CAFE CHIP: Something tells me that President Obama's move to increase vehicle fuel mileage is nothing more than a bargaining chip to be used sometime down the road.

RUNNING: I know of some registered voters in New York City getting three to four mailings from the Bloomberg campaign. It's safe to say, he's not taking chances.

SNOWED: Marc Ambinder is keeping an eye on the meme that Obama is easily cowed by his generals. Perhaps, but Bush was swayed by his defeatist brass -- Pace, Casey, and Abizaid. Success in Iraq came when he finally got rid of two and kicked the other upstairs.

IMPOTENCE: As the Senate Majority leader, things can't get any worse for Senator Reid given his erroneous reports, his poor polling numbers, and a President who disses his state's leading source of revenue.

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