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"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Belicheat's Ripples

I will be upfront with my animosity for Notre Dame football. Maybe it is the fact that they have been able to secure a national TV contract for the past several years with a substandard product. Maybe it is the annual invite to a Bowl Game – one of the better ones – with a mediocre team. (Maybe it is learning that despite the nickname, they were not Irish after all.)

Anyway, I am a happy camper that the team is 0-3 and is likely to be 0-4 when the sun sets on South Bend tonight.

However, here is where it gets interesting. Their coach, Charlie Weis, was formerly the offensive coordinator of the New England Patriots. In their press release when he was signed on to be the coach, he was described as “highly regarded.” Well if you steal the signals of the other team’s defense, it wouldn’t take much to be highly regarded – would it? Bill Belicheck may have been the cheating mastermind – but Weis was certainly a beneficiary of their ill-gotten luck.

Well he’s in the third year of a six year deal. Obviously, the players he recruited haven’t worked out and ND certainly is not a premier team.

Furthermore, it’s a pretty sad comment, when the radio coverage of ND football on Westwood One begins with highlights from last year’s team. (Ouch.)

Others have speculated that this cheating scandal is just the tip of an iceberg. If so, there’s a chunk of it floating in Indiana.

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