About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, September 29, 2007

What I'd Like To See...

...instead of these bogus "debates", why don't we have both the Democratic and Republican candidates -- three from each party -- sit around a table and discuss the issues of the day? Something akin to the Charlie Rose show format. Because right now these debates seem to be more about the moderator than the putative candidates. Moreover, we don't need audience participation other than to watch and learn at home.

...football players handing the ball to the referee after scoring and then running nonchalantly to the sideline and defensive players helping the quarterback up after he's sacked. The silly antics we now see distract from the game.

...what's the fuss about HD radio? They advertise that I'll get more stations for free. If the content is more of the same -- talk radio or music stations with playlists as tight as a gnat's butt -- then I'll endure the pablum that I get for free with an ordinary radio.

...no longer paying for the cable I don't watch. I don't watch Lifetime, the Animal Planet, CSPAN-3, or Spike. (I'd add MSNBC to the list but there's something alluring about the weekend anchor, Alex Witt) so why am I paying to have those channels? It's 2007 for crying out loud, we can make this happen, can't we? (Remember the old saying, "If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we (add your own thought here)..."

...a fall week free of college football. Shouldn't all these guys get a break to study for exams and for everyone else to do something else rather than sit around a TV during the most glorious season of the year? Geez, now ESPN is showing high school football.

...to find out what the Israelis bombed in Syria earlier this month

...Robin Williams and Eddie Murphy together in a comedy. These guys are hilarious yet they've been more concerned about the paycheck than the script (with the odd exception.) These guys aren't getting younger and sadly, and perhaps I'm the only one, but Ben Stiller doesn't tweak my funny bone.

... a modern day Len Deighton. He wrote terrific spy novels from the the 1960-80s, but nobody comes close today. In an era where the operative phrase is the global war on terror, you'd think we'd get some good literature as a by product

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