About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Friday, December 19, 2008

Let's Go to the Audio Tape!

I don't personally know Rahm Emanuel. I know people who do know him. In their eyes, he's a piece of work. I suspect that he doesn't get too many holiday cards this time of year.

Yet, his type serves a function. President-elect Obama needed someone on his staff wise to the workings of the Washington.

In 1992, Bill Clinton ran as a centrist (I'm still waiting on that middle-class tax cut) but it wasn't long before he lost the initiative to his fellow Democrats in Congress -- Tom Foley the House Speaker and George Mitchell, the Senate majority leader. Obama doesn't want to be the tail of the dog -- even if it's wagging.

So you hire a guy like Emanuel to make sure that doesn't happen.

Unfortunately, a guy like him is like a launched nuclear missile. Once it's out of the silo, there's no stopping it.

So this is how I see his meeting with Rod Blagojevich went. He told the governor, that the President-elect endorsed the following candidates. That's all. There was no winking, nodding, or nudging. Blagojevich, as a good Democrat was going to follow orders. There was nothing to negotiate.

Unfortunately for Emanuel & Co., they underestimated Blagojevich. (Putin is probably taking notes now.) Caught on tape, hard boiled Chicago politics, doesn't look pretty.

But then again, it's not.

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