About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jet Crash

A few thoughts about the Jets in the post-Mangini era.

  • The normally sensible Gary Myers of the New York Daily News suggested that Woody Johnson, the owner of the Jets, should offer Bill Cowher (formerly of the Pittsburgh Steelers) "five years, $50 million" to be the team's new coach. Gary Myers can say this -- he goes to the games for free.
  • Mike Tannenbaum, the GM, sounded clueless when queried by Mike Francesa of WFAN. Never trust a guy who makes a decision because he "felt" it was time to make a change. Six weeks ago they were talking about an extension. What gives? Any self-respecting coach that comes on board will limit his involvement to ensuring that the checks are mailed on time.
  • Farve is shot. He may hang on for another year. Then he will be gone. Why come on board and develop a team and strategy around one type of quarterback only to rework both with another quarterback a year later?
  • Also, the assistant coaches are still around? Would a new coach want to have these as opposed to his own guys on board?

Look for the Jets to get a second tier coach (a coordinator or a guy who has coached without distinction before) despite their efforts to get a "name" guy like Cowher.

The Jets need to transform. Getting rid of the coach should only be the first step -- not the end all, be all.

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