About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

House of Hypocrisy

From the Associated Press:

MANCHESTER, Tenn. (AP) - Bruce Springsteen astonished the Bonnaroo crowd with a passionate three-hour performance, offering sweat and rock 'n' roll to inspire, he said, in "hard times."
"We didn't come all the way down to the beautiful Tennessee hills just to rock the house," said Springsteen early in the performance. "We came down here tonight because we want to build a house. That's right. Right here in this field. ... A house of love. A house of hope."

Sure, but given the ticket prices that were charged, the only thing being built was Springsteen's bank account. Big time.

BTW, we're certainly living in the "Age of Obama" when part of the price of admission is a mandated charitable donation.

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