About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bias, What Bias?

From today's New York Times:

1. Title: "$150,000 Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image "
Page: A1
Impact: RNC-donated wardrobe may impact Ms. Palin's "hockey-mom" image.
Staff: Two reporters and two contributors
Note: Article is prominently displayed on the website.

2. Title: "Acorn Report Raises Issues of Legality"
Page: A17
Impact: Discusses how ACORN disregarded laws and procedures to support its voter registration efforts.
Staff: One reporter, one contributor.
Note: Article not on the website's splash page. Type in "ACORN" in search box to get this story.

Again, we need to emphasize that The Times's editorial page does not impact its reporting. We all get that right?

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