About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Richard Cohen Knows All

Being a newspaper columnists seems like an easy gig -- write 750 words on what your thoughts regarding a current issue three times a week.

Then again, it could be a chore -- especially when you're not really thrilled with the topic on hand -- and would prefer to toss in a gratuitous partisan shot

Such was the case with a Richard Cohen column penned yesterday. He starts off by being grateful that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is a student of the Great Depression. Then he recounts the similarities (they are somewhat strained) between the economic situation of the late 1920s and today.

OK, when you don't have anything to say, go with a history lesson.

Then out of left field, he starts comparing the outlooks of Obama-Biden with McCain-Palin. Here is where it gets, well, conventional:

"Barack Obama's people feel they have control over their lives. Sarah Palin's people do not have a similar confidence."

First of all, isn't McCain, the Presidential nominee? I thought the game plan was to make Palin the second coming of Dan Qualye. Who got the memo saying she's the next Dick Cheney? (And if elected, see her vilified as the next Spiro Agnew.)

Anyway, count me in as an SP person -- I certainly believe that I have control over my life. In fact, if Mr. Cohen opted to have actually thought about things -- he would have reviewed Obama's acceptance speech. (Remember the Greek columns at the Stadium?) In short, he addressed Americans as victims and that he was coming to their rescue.

Moreover, he foolishly notes: "This is why the Republican National Convention made war on the media." Well, having been in a couple of wars, I would disagree. In fact, the RNC is simply calling the media out for being in the tank for Obama. (And don't get me started on that.) Criticism isn't warfare but then again, did Mr. Cohen ever spend time in a foxhole?

Mr. Cohen is like his liberal columnist brethren -- whatever the issue -- hit McCain-Palin and don't let anything inconvenient like the facts -- get in the way.

What's most remarkable about Mr. Cohen's easy gig -- someone actually pays him to write such drivel.

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