About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Letterman's Humor, Maybe

I don't care much for golf -- to either play it or watch it. (What a phenomenal waste of time when you get down to it. Then again, I've only played it four times and didn't have much to show for it.)

However, I'll stop and watch it -- when it's being broadcast in high-definition. (Granted it will be only for 5 to 10 minutes.) Hi-def certainly makes the game that much more, well, watchable.

Sadly, what hi-def gives, it takes away.

So there I am watching the Dave Letterman program last night and time has not been kind to Dave. (I guess stage make up can take you only so far.) (A quick flick of the remote, though, shows that Jay Leno -- appearance-wise -- seems fine. I still don't know why he's "retiring" next year.)

The only thing more tired than Dave's looks was his routine -- running down the GOP. They were modestly funny efforts. But if you were looking for fair play -- you weren't going to find it. He made one joke about Barack's informercial but Elliot Spitzer ended up as the punch line. A video segment later on the program showed the start of Barack's infomercial -- an uninspired takeoff of the old Laverne & Shirley program. (Which was probably lost on the studio audience.)

Before I bailed out he was doing a Joe McCain bit which was somewhat funny. (Joe, the GOP candidate's brother, called 911 to complain about being stuck in traffic and said some impolite things in the process.) However, he went to the well one too many times on that gag. Lastly, he was trying to see how many Sarah Palins could fit in a Lenscrafter store. (As a skit, it probably did better as a concept, because the execution left me puzzled.)

If Dave expects to have me as part of his audience, he'll have to be playing at a pro-am tournament.

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