About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hope Over Experience

It came as no surprise yesterday that NBC cancelled "My Own Worst Enemy." I never saw it; the reviews scared me off. Further, I knew this progam wasn't going to be any good. I was downtown in a major metropolitan city -- and one couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting an advertisement for the show -- on buses, telephone booths, any stationary object. Didn't someone say, lipstick on a pig?

What's scary is the fact that it drew about 5.8 million viewers. Imagine everyone in Chicago and Houston watching the show -- and no one else.

Here's a program that was aimed at men (who were watching Monday Night Football on ESPN, duh!). You think the auto industry was going to advertise for this meek audience? They may be broke, but they're not stupid.

Programs about spies seldom work. (OK, this may have been an exception.) Moreover, there is a program on the air that deals with a spy who gets himself in all sorts of hot water and has to deal with a problematic family -- without some silly bi-polar depression or whatever the ailment that Christian Slater's character suffers from. It's called "Burn Notice."

Yet it wouldn't be TV unless someone came up a knock-off with a big name to ruin the genre.

Too bad they're not hiring; I could have saved them a ton of dough. Then again, that's why the TV biz isn't hiring.

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