About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Wednesday's Wondering

Why do the New York Jets want Brett Favre for another year? Since his status is uncertain -- it's going to be tough getting a new coach for the team. In retrospect, losing the conference championship to the subsequent Super Bowl champion -- wouldn't be a bad way to cap a career. But like Jordan and Sinatra who also came out of retirement, a wonderful career was tarnished by a mediocre return to the limelight.

Is it me, or is Tom Cruise's latest movie, propping up the TV industry? For a middling flick -- it's everywhere on TV. Of even greater curiosity -- it's been out for a couple of weeks and I still see the advertising. Is Tom too big to fail?

I'm not sold that Governor Paterson has picked Caroline Kennedy to be the Empire State's junior senator. He has to ask the all important question -- how does she help get Paterson elected in 2010. Given her less then stellar campaign (despite the help from the hacks at the New York Daily News) Caroline Kennedy hasn't answered that question yet.

The luckiest guy in 2008 had to be the joker who constantly lamented about losing "another loan to Ditech." I'm sure he lost business to Ditech because he wanted his borrowers to have a steady income and buy a house they could afford. You'll notice that they don't run those ads anymore.

Whatever happened to the lone private eye on TV? Guys like Jim Rockford, Joe Mannix, or Harry O. fought crime by themselves. (OK, they had unofficial help from the local police department.) Now, crime (at least the TV variety) is fought by heavily staffed government entities -- whether it's a CSI outfit, the Closer (geez, she's got eight guys working for her -- all one one case!), or that FBI unit in Criminal Minds. Fighting crime used to be a lot more cost efficient and effective back in the 1970s.

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