About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Revolution Coming?

When I was in the Army, my biggest fear was losing an eye. Not in combat mind you. Rather when things went south whether it was downrange or in garrison -- there was a whole lot of finger pointing. Some of your leaders now are first class blame shifters. It was amazing how some guys could distance themselves from an error.

I highlight this episode because I have a bad feeling about the economy. I think it's worse than what we're led to believe. Stimulus, or not, things aren't going to be the same when, if ever, we get ourselves out of it. Back in '87 when the stock market tanked, Reagan & Co. repeated the cry that the fundamentals of the economy were fine. In fact, the economy held on although there was a bit of a downturn in '92 which made the elder Bush a one-term President.

Nobody is saying that now.

In fact, as a friend remarked, the economy is akin to someone suffering from heart disease, cancer, and pneumonia. There's a lot of things wrong -- the recession; the credit crunch; and a whole lot of "toxic debt."

However, I have my doubts about the doctor.

When a guy gets gooey about a girl -- he can only focus on her best attributes. (Apologies for all the metaphors.) Her annoying habits are moved to the background. So it is with Obama -- the voters selected an "expectation" -- the anti-Bush who will magically make things better -- from the economy, to our foreign relations, to the environment.

Well, a month has come and gone, and things are pretty much the same. That's probably unfair but it's, well, accurate. In other words, Obama doesn't have a clue. He has no guiding philosophy (of if he does, he keeps it to himself). His supporters praise his pragmatism. I view it as mere improvisation.

The prescribed cure for what ails us economically is more spending. Lots of of it. Alas, most of it's not timely, targeted, or temporary. It's more of what got us here in the first place. This debt has to be paid off -- if it's not, well can anyone say game over? The pneumonia may come and go, but heart disease and cancer require tougher treatment -- we haven't seen anyone step up and offer to make a hard decision. Rather, we get distractions like discussions about "truth" commissions, the "fairness" doctrine; silly Illinois politicians and steroid-enhanced athletes.

So in a year's time, when we have more of the same -- a lack of confidence in our government and the economy -- someone is going to take the blame. Obama has greased the skids already -- claiming that his action will "save" jobs that would have been lost otherwise. That sophistry will work on some knaves but most will see it for what it's worth.

However the stagnant economy and it's attendant upheaval -- is going to cause anger. Especially at our elected leaders who got us here in the first place. The blame game will commence. Someone will have to pay -- electorally -- for this. (Bush is gone; get over him.) The finger pointing will begin. It will not be pretty. More than figurative eyes will be lost.

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