About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, February 07, 2009


My biggest nightmare? Being trapped in a room with those pitchmen for The New York Times weekender subscription plan. The guy who is "fluent" in three sections scares me.

Those folks who sell Eight O'Clock Coffee are limiting the appeal of their product, right?

The Pro Bowl and the Grammys were held yesterday. The day when the nadirs for both the sports and cultural world collide. Quick -- who won what in 2007? I thought so.

Give credit where it's due: The New York Times has been steadfast on the unsuitability of Geithner and Daschle for Cabinet positions. Moreover, they have been a thorn in the side of Congressman-for-Life Charlie Rangel.

In grammar school, I had a friend pitch a dumb idea to the teacher. He almost had his head ripped off. Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid have Obama Barack pitching their stimulus plan. When it fails -- like my dumb idea -- who do you think's going to feel the heat from the voters?

Speaking of the stimulus plan, do you recall when you waited until the final weekend for that high school or college term paper? It was a rush job but you were OK with the "C" grade because, well, you didn't really apply yourself -- despite the fact that you had a month to get it done? I get that feeling with the "stimulus" proposal.

If I were Manny Ramirez, I'd be checking my investments about now. Why? Because the days of the million dolar plus incomes may have abruptly come to an end.

On a sad day, I sing a happy song and realize that I'm not Plaxico Burress.

On a really sad day, I sing a happier song and realize that I'm not Roger Clemens.

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