About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, February 21, 2009


For a guy who wants to get out of the cocoon, I wonder if Obama got the following message on his BlackBerry: "Gr8 idea about that housing bailout!"

As for the housing bailout, Team Obama may have crossed a threshold. When times are tough, perhaps it can be assumed that people will dig a bit deep to help out. More taxes will mean more people working? Well, ok. More taxes to help a guy who bought too much house for too little money? Now, you're playing me for a sucker.

Good to see David Brooks paying attention during his weekly chat with Mark Shields. The latter was talking about all the problems that confront the President, to include the formation of a right-wing government in Israel. Brooks countered that that development wasn't exactly bad. (Well perhaps it is for BHO.)

Conan O'Brien has left New York. Somehow, I think they'll manage.

Timmy Geithner didn't have a bad week. It may not last though -- there's always next week.

I hear that a share of the New York Times Company is going for less than $4 a share. So I guess publishing a liberal-infused broadsheet isn't quite a successful business model.

George Pataki for Senate? New York could do worse (i.e., Carolyn Maloney) I hear that Pataki has the White House in his sights, though.

When I was in the Army, there was a torrent of activity before "block leave" would start. Then everyone was gone for two weeks. Seems Congress is the same way. They pass a dreadful spending bill and take off. Why?

For a Speaker, Nancy Pelosi sure lacks that vision thing. From writing a book, that nobody would read to traveling all the way to Rome to get rebuked by the Pope.

Better get your steroids now. With baseball season around the corner, the demand, and the price is likely to go up.

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