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"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Geithner Gone?

A few items lead me to suspect that Tim Geithner will not be Obama's Treasury Secretary.

First, the Senate Committee that will confirm Geithner -- chaired by the Democrats -- has adjourned for a week to review the matter of Geithner's taxes and the status of a foreign national whom he employed.

I think the facts on both matters are evident. In my view, the Committee has given Team Obama a week to come up with a replacement that can be announced in tandem with Geithner's resignation. Also, they are probably looking for a soft landing for Geithner somewhere in the Administration that wouldn't require Senate confirmation or with a sympathetic think tank.

Moreover, when asked about the matter, the President-elect chose to discuss the fact that everyone makes mistakes. He did not say that he intends to have Geithner as his Treasury Secretary.

Furthermore, Geithner is in a weak political state. For instance, Hillary can withstand criticism of her husband receiving boatloads of foreign donations for his endeavors, because any rejection of Hillary as the Secretary of State will cause serious discontent from a significant faction of the Democratic Party. The splash from throwing Geithner over the side of the boat, in constrast, will be minimal. Nobody will grieve over his dismissal.

Lastly, Obama is all about image. Having a tax-dodger on his team will send the wrong signal about tax compliance, respect for the law, and double standards. Geithner is not worth the hassle.

On a couple of related notes, Senate Democratic Leader Reid's initial defense of Geithner continues to show how Reid's political tone deafness is making him increasingly irrelevant in the political process. Given his missteps, it's only a matter of time before people will stop listening to him.

Lastly, Mickey Kaus, notes that a lot of Democrats are worried about this whole issue.

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