About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday's Musings

He may have been sworn in, but Barack Obama's mind is still on the campaign trail. That's the only explanation I have for his zinger directed at conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh. Bill Clinton also made the same mistake of attacking -- and thus elevating -- Rush Both gentlemen forgot the rule when dealing with a critic -- that's to ignore him.

Speaking of Clinton, it's curious to hear Obama & Biden claim that the economy is worse than they thought. Clinton made the same charge when he took command of the Oval Office. It wasn't like they were praising it during the campaign. But by claiming it's worse -- well, that gives them a whole lot of room to maneuver.

For a guy who cannot properly file his taxes, Timothy Geithner must have some other redeeming qualities to make him a must for Secretary of the Treasury. It's not like he did a bang up job at the New York Fed is it? When the economic stimulus fails -- and it will -- Geither's scalp will be the first to fall.

The rationale -- "we'll figure something out" -- doesn't wash when it comes to where are we going to put the Gitmo detainees in a year's time. Don't file the Gitmo matter under "decisiveness" any time soon.

The mediocre Mikes -- Daly & Lupica of the New York Daily News probably spent most of yesterday wiping the eggs off their faces. Both fawned over Caroline "You Know" Kennedy in her run up to what was supposed to be an inevitable selection by Governor Paterson. However, taxes, a nanny "issue", and a supposed extra marital affair ruined her chances. It may be best for Ms. Kennedy to return to a more private life.

It was interesting to see David Brooks on PBS last night and realize that he's in the employ of a Mexican businessman. I'm sure that some of the $250 million will be paying salaries for those working for The New York Times. We'll see soon what kind of coverage a quarter of a billion dollars can buy.

You know when we'll hit the rock bottom of this recession? When the gossip tabloids and magazines start laying off personnel.

Future mea culpas (or "what was I thinking?"):
  • Overdoing the inauguration of President Obama. It was embarrassing. (Big Media)
  • Betting on the Steelers in the Super Bowl. (Bettors)
  • Thinking that government spending will revitalize the economy. (Democrats)
  • Approving Eric Holder as Attorney General (Republicans)

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