About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Obama Being Obama

Manny Ramirez is having a tough time finding a job. Then again, who isn't in this economy? But Manny is a ballplayer -- and if you take a look at his stats -- a pretty good one at that. In fact, he was the catalyst that enabled the Dodgers to compete for the National League pennant last year.

Yet there is no team that wants to sign him for the upcoming season. Why?

Because Manny is a jerk.

He wore out his welcome in Boston last year which prompted them his trade to Los Angeles. Manny's lackadaisical play (e.g., failing to run out ground balls; taking himself out of games) was tolerated as he produced. However, this behavior, known as "Manny being Manny" became too much of a distraction. Now at the end of his career -- and just a few short weeks before the start of spring training -- Manny and his agent are scrambling.

In Washington, Obama is producing for now. However, his production is based on the fact that he's not George W. Bush. Yet annoying traits are becoming evident -- the pride, the hypocrisy, the questionable judgment.

Moreover his vaunted ability (more smoke and mirrors than anything tangible) to work in a bipartisan fashion was shattered as he could not get one Republican to vote in favor of his generational theft, er, stimulus proposal.

These may be just rookie mistakes. Then again they may not.

After a while a lot of annoying little things add up -- no matter how good you are.

Just ask Manny.

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