About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Sunday, March 01, 2009


There are days when Tom Friedman has nothing in the tank. Today is one of those days.

At what point does dementia come into the conversation about Mike Lupica's apparent obsession with steroids? We get it: steroids are bad and the players who use them are evil. Does he have any other arrows in his quiver?

You have to hand it to Obama -- he's brought change. He's got the middle class out protesting. I just hope it continues.

I caught Rush Limbaugh's "national address" yesterday at the CPAC gathering. Good stuff. But what's with the Johnny Cash outfit?

The most dangerous place in the Bronx is between state senator Jeff Klein and a camera. The most undeveloped place in the Bronx is between his ears. It's one thing for Uncle Sugar to punish those who make over $250K -- there is little recourse. When state governments do it, then people move.

On that topic, the ultimate in terms of big pay/little work gigs is working in the most dysfunctional state government -- New York's legislature. Klein fits right in.

Bill Simmons at ESPN paints a bleak picture of the NBA. Go figure. After six weeks, you know who's going to the playoffs; they're just playing for seeding for the virtual second season. And it shows in those lackluster December - March games. Who's going to pay to see that? Especially in this economy.

If agents could be charged for malpractice, Scott Boras would then have to get a lawyer. He's totally botched the negotiations for Manny Ramirez. (Manny, alas, is too dumb to notice.)

I caught Keith Olberman bashing Bush last week. For a second, I thought it was a repeat. After all hasn't he been out of office for a whole month now? I guess if you can't say anything good Obama, well. . .

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