About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Call it the Snyder Curse, but ever since Dan Snyder assumed control of the Washington Redskins, they haven't been, well, contenders. They overpaid for Albert Haynesworth to fix their weak defensive line. Now it appears that Mr. Haynesworth may spend some time in the clink.

I don't know why MSNBC treats Keith Olberman as the 800 pound gorilla -- among the 25-54 demographic, he's third among the news cable shows at 8 PM EDST and dead last when he's repeated at 10 PM EDST. Not exactly a barn-burner. But I figure he's the reason why there isn't a new show with a new host at 10 PM -- he doesn't want the competition within (MS)NBC.

Sooner or later, Obama -- if he's serious about entitlement reform or opts to finally make a tough decision -- he's going to have to buck his party. However, as he folds repeatedly like a lawn chair to get their support for "gimmes" such as a budget and a stimulus -- he's setting himself up for failure. Come this fall, Congress will be looking at 2010 -- not what Obama thinks is best. He's burning valuable political capital now.

For reasons beyond my meager ability to understand, it seems that education, energy, and health care are woven into the current economic crisis. Well, what about the lack of a college football playoff? I can imagine President Obama, saying the following: "Unless we get a definitive national college football champion, the current financial crisis will persist. That's why, today, I have established a federal commission..."

Nobody wants to jump on a sinking ship, but you'd think that getting 18 or so financial whizzes to join the Treasury Department wouldn't be this difficult. My gut tells me that nobody wants to work for Timmy Geithner.

A New York radio station changed formats this week from "mainstream" rock to Top 40. I was traumatized when this happened when I was a teenager. Nowadays, does anyone listen to the local radio?

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