About Me

"Talk," she commanded, standing in front of me. "Who, what and why?" "I'm Percy Maguire," I said, as if this name, which I had thought up, explained everything. Dashiell Hammett, "The Big Knockover"

Friday, March 27, 2009


I wondered how guys like Rahm Emanuel and Richard Holbrooke could switch so easily from the world of government to high finance. Then it dawned on me -- they didn't do anything in high finance other than bring their Rolodex's.

Keith Olberman's numbers are on par with Fox's daytime numbers. He may want to switch his format and broadcast, well, how about news?

I long ceased to pick up a copy of the dead tree version of The New York Times. Why contribute to the salaries of those pinhead editoralists and op-ed writers? Well, I was surprised when I came across a copy not too long ago -- fairly thin with gaudy front page ads. Now with layoffs and paycuts, it's safe to say that the ship be sinking.

I came across this episode of Law & Order recently. I like the program but their understanding of all things military was awful. Goes to show what happens when you don't pay for a military advisor. Sometimes I get the feeling that's the way it is with Team Obama.

I read a Journolist thread on Mickey Kaus' site. Last time I was animated as those losers was when I was in grammar school. My question -- who is paying these guys?

Kudos to Chelsea Clinton and the Bush sisters for realizing that nobody cares what they think. Unfortunately, Meaghan McCain and Ron "Skipper" Reagan didn't get the memo. (Do you think that if either of them were conservatives in their own right that the media would give them the light of day?)

General Electric had a harsh "move up or move out" policy. Obviously, they got rid of it otherwise, how can Immelt and Zucker still have their jobs?

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